Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Jesus and the Newton's Laws # 2

If you have not read the previous post [Jesus and Newton's Laws #1], I suggest you go back and read the post below.

To the faithful readers, how's the new life? I have been changing- difficult, indeed. But I have sought to follow the commandments of the tips and instructions. This book (bible) is simply brilliant. Everything I need I can find it.

Well, we go to Newton's second law. This is the Fundamental Principle of Dynamics.Imagine, now, you sitting at a desk in a classroom  at Harvard, and Jesus, with a white coat, giving physics class, saying: "Guys, the acceleration that a body gets is directly proportional to net force acting on it and has the same direction and meaning in force. " What? Luke, if the attempt was to help, thank you, you do not have that gift”. Jesus, physics, lab coat, force, resultant direction, meaning ... I'm pushing that little X ... No, wait, that part of physics ever since going to end. Let's talk about Jesus right now.

In life there are only two ways [the bible is that it speaks]. It's there in Matthew 7:13-14: "Go in through the narrow gate, because the gate to hell is wide and the road that leads to it is easy, and there are many who travel it. But the gate to life is narrow and the way that leads to it is hard, and there a few people who find it”.

This passage, preached the sermon on the Mount is about choices. Jesus said there are two destinations - heaven and hell. Christ does not divide men into rich and poor, black or white, smart or uneducated. He divides us into two classes: those in the broad way that leads to destruction and the narrow path that leads to eternal life. In what way are you?

This second law says that several forces acting on a body. But all these forces will be replaced by a net force. A force that will prevail over this body, and that will take him some direction with a certain speed.

Many forces act in the world. But there will always be two resultant forces - Jesus or Satan. You, reader, can be influenced by negative forces such as hatred, selfishness, immorality, pride, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, wrath, envy, murders and also the omnipresent celebration of adultery and homosexuality in the media, about which Jesussaid those who commit such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God [Galatians 5:21].Several forces will act on you. There are also positive forces: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, obedience to God, purity, and the like.

Some are even enslaved by some of these forces. Some are slaves to alcohol, lying, depression, sex before marriage [fornication], pornography, prostitution, need to be approved by the people etc.. These forces quickly take the person to the path of destruction.

Other forces are more "invisible." For example: the power of "think" - is when you do not want anyone to tell them how you should live and when you do not want God, his creator, trace the path to heaven, where moth yourself that way and even when you do not "agree" with the Bible. "There is a way that seems right to man but in the end is a way of death" [Proverbs 14:12].

Dear reader, I have bad news: both the positive and negative forces will act on you.However, I too have great news: you have a guy who is stronger than all the negative forces (Jesus). With Him, you can live driven by positive forces, whose resultant life will be abundant, fulfilling and happy - complete!

Decide now on the path that is narrow, but that will lead to eternal life. A hug. I'll be here next week.

Lucas Ribeiro.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Jesus and the Newton's Laws #1

Sir Isaac Newton, the great scientist, wrote the following before die and meet Jesus: "My life seems to have been only like a boy playing on the beach and having fun every once in a while to find a smooth stone or a shell more beautiful, while the great ocean of truth was all undiscovered before me. " 

If you have more than 16 years, probably knows the laws of Newton, or just have heard some comments on them. Jesus and the Laws of Newton will be divided into three posts. Exactly how that law is divided. One for week. In the first, we'll talk about one of Newton's law - the law of inertia. No, PLEASE do not slide your fingers over the keys alt + F4 or the little X about that. I know, I know ... you should be thankful to God and all the saints for having completed high school physics to NEVER see in your life. Still, give me a chance. We will talk more about Jesus than about the Newton, of course, that's more interesting than this. 

Yeah, I see you gave me the chance. Thanks. 

Roughly speaking, the law of inertia or Galileo says things, people, everything in life tends to be the way it is. If something is stationary (at rest) tends to stay that way. Like something moving - will tend to continue moving. 

How to overcome the inertia? Physically speaking, it will require the intervention of a force. Using this law, say that change, repentance is essential, rather, is vital. 

When Jesus began his preaching ministry, the first sentence that he said is recorded in Matthew, chapter 4, verse 17. I imagine that Jesus stopped at the corner of Times Square of Galilee and began to speak: "Look, you are mired in sin! Do not let the law of inertia perpetuates this situation! Change, repent! Let me help you guys. " 

The law of inertia can be applied in several situations of our lives. But specifically, I speak here of the sinful situation that me and you, dear reader, we find ourselves. Sin makes us do things we would not want to do, makes us stay more time than we would in that situation, makes us people who do not wish to be. 

If you already have a relationship with Jesus and sees it as his Lord and Savior, God told me to say, Repent of your sins. Change, improve. Be a true Christian. If you do not have Jesus as one who will save him and who will be obedient, God also told me to say: Repent of your sins. Change your life! Do not be like Isaac Newton who, before he met Jesus, he lived his life, but found life, blazed a path, but did not find the path or even had fun on the beach but did not discover the ocean of truth - time all - was in front. 

Jesus said, and I remind to you: I am the WAY, the TRUTH and including also the Life. Nobody comes to God except through me. Jesus is the one force that changes the situation where you are. But he is polite, kind. It will only change if you call Him . He clearly said: "Unless you repent [change], you will die." It may be the death of dreams, hope, joy of life or death eternal [even live in hell]. 

But how can I repent [change]? You can talk to God more or less like this: "God, I have sinned [ask what were the sins]. I am willing to live a new life. Do not quite know what can happen to me, but I want to know him personally. I believe that Jesus came to Earth for a purpose and want to discover it. For now, I see Jesus as one who will save me and to whom I will be obedient, no matter what costs. " 

One last hint to finish. A few days ago, I saw on TV, two people talking about how "life" was difficult, on the various problems for which they spent so on. Then one said to another: "Life might as well come with an instruction manual." Maybe some people agreed or agree with that statement, but I must say I have good news for you - LIFE HAS A MANUAL. This book is a love letter to the person who created you. Generally, the cover of this manual comes with the following title: HOLY BIBLE. 

If you are not familiar with this manual, is a tip for those who know a little: start with the book of John [one of the gospels]. The reading will become easier. That's it. See ya next week. 

Lucas Ribeiro.